So here we are. You’ve done it! You finished your CNA classes, you’ve passed your exam and now you’re preparing for your first interview. This is what you’ve been working toward but you’re not sure what to expect. What will they ask? What do you need to know? What should you bring? We’re going to dive into that step-by-step.

First, you should prepare a list of references. You may have been through other interviews in the past where they’ve asked you questions about yourself and perhaps they asked for a resume. But a lot of jobs don’t ask for references so this may be new to you. Understand that references cannot be your parents. References must come from some other professional setting. It’s okay if you don’t have a lot of prior work experience. You can get references from teachers. If you’re active in the community or in a sports organization, perhaps you can get a letter of recommendation from a coach. It’s just important to be able to have someone who is willing to speak to your character and work ethic. Also note that you should speak to these people before listing them as recommendations. Ask for their permission and obtain their phone numbers and email addresses. Make sure that they understand why you’re asking them to be reference for you and who may be contacted them so that they can be prepared.

Next you’ll want to organize a list of things that you should bring with you to the interview. You’ll need to bring a folder for paper. It doesn’t have to be particularly fancy or expensive, just something with pockets that you can store your papers in. You should also bring 3-5 copies of your resume. You may be interviewing with multiple people so you should be prepared to give a copy of your resume to every person that you could potentially interview with that day. Make sure to also bring your CNA state certification information. Your CPR card (if it is required by your state) would be a good thing to have. If any of your references are willing to write letters of recommendation that would be a positive thing. And, lastly, a paper and pen for notes.

Wondering what to wear? A suit or dress probably isn’t necessary. However, you want to appear professional. Black slacks with a nice blouse and or button down shirt would probably be appropriate. You’ll want to make sure that your hair, makeup or jewelry is in order and that you smell nice. You simply want to convey professionalism and that you care about your appearance.

Here’s a list of questions you should be prepared for:

  • Tell us about yourself.
  • Why do you want to become a CNA?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Why did you leave you last job?

You should be prepared to answer these questions thoroughly. You want to put some thought into this and answer in a way that is articulate, honest and explicative.

You should now feel prepared to go out there and ace your interview! You’ve been preparing and you’ve got what it takes. Good luck!

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