MedNoc Training College requires strict class attendance and does not round off time. The student is required and expected to take personal responsibility to enhance their learning success. As a student, you must steward your learning, mastering skills, and knowledge. The student must attend classes, skills lab, clinical, and any other activities scheduled by the school on time and only leave when the time scheduled is finished. The student is required to actively participate in all classes, lectures, skills lab, and clinical. Students are discouraged from being absent, late, or leaving early or being tardy. The student is Absent if he/she misses a whole day of the scheduled class, skills lab, school activity, or clinical. Tardy is attending a scheduled school activity later than the expected time, and less than 30 minutes late or leaving earlier than the scheduled time, but not more than 30 minutes before the conclusion of the planned activity. All Absences and Tardies whether Excused or Unexcused, shall be recorded, and if not made up, will count against the student’s overall course attendance and grade.

Please check the school Catalog for more detailed information.


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